Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Too see how much your parents love you, is to see how much they spend on your Christmas presents" -Danny Ong

Ok, blogging buddies. Here is my Christmas list, I checked it twice.
(three times to be exact)and it is
p e r f e c t
Checkkk ittt outtt

Michaels, for bead supplies of course,

A TapOut hoodie, sorry the pictures are so
small, not sure why.

This wool pea coat, however I would love
love love it in purple!

A girl always needs more clothes =]

More beading supplies.

S H A B A M.
This is it. This is what I would
to see under my tree this year.
D&B <3

I need work attire. Here is where to find it...
c h e a p.


Kell said...

I love the purse.. and Charlotte Russe is one of my favs!

emaleigh said...

If you get the DB bag... I'm stealing it. Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Ana! I have been looking at the same DB bag everytime I get online!!! Except with red or black handles. If you get it you have to share!!! :)

Ally said...

I love gift cards and I don't get people who say they refuse to give them. I mean, who doesn't like to shop and pick out their own treats?

cynthia gayle said...

I love the Targette (french pronunciation!) doggie!

Anonymous said...

great List...I hope you get it all..!!